A1.R1C1Displays row and column headings and cell references in either the R1C1 or A1 reference style
ABSREFReturns the absolute reference of the cells that are offset from a reference by a specified amount
ACTIVATESwitches to a window if more than one window is open, or a pane of a window if the window is split and its panes are not frozen
Switches to the next or previous window, respectively, or switches to the next or previous sheet in a workbook
ACTIVE.CELLReturns the reference of the active cell in the selection as an external reference
ACTIVE.CELL.FONTEquivalent to formatting individual characters in a cell
ADD.ARROWEquivalent to clicking the Arrow button on the Drawing toolbar
ADD.BARCreates a new menu bar and returns the bar ID number
ADD.CHART.AUTOFORMATAdds the format of the currently active chart in the current window to the list of custom formats in the Custom Types tab in the Chart Type dialog box
ADD.COMMANDAdds a command to a menu
ADDIN.MANAGEREquivalent to clicking the Add-Ins command on the Tools menu
ADD.LIST.ITEMAdds an item in a list box or drop-down control on a worksheet or dialog sheet control
ADD.MENUAdds a menu to a menu bar
ADD.OVERLAYEquivalent to clicking the Add Overlay command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
ADD.TOOLAdds one or more buttons to a toolbar
ADD.TOOLBARCreates a new toolbar with the specified buttons
ALERTDisplays a dialog box and message and waits for you to click a button
ALIGNMENTEquivalent to clicking the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which is displayed when you click the Cells command on the Format menu
ANOVA1Performs single-factor analysis of variance, which tests the hypothesis that means from several samples are equal
ANOVA2Performs two-factor analysis of variance with replication
ANOVA3Performs two-factor analysis of variance without replication
APP.ACTIVATESwitches to an application
APP.ACTIVATE.MICROSOFTActivates a Microsoft application
APPLY.NAMESEquivalent to clicking the Apply command on the Name submenu on the Insert menu
APPLY.STYLEEquivalent to clicking the Style command on the Format menu, selecting a style, and clicking the OK button
APP.MAXIMIZEEquivalent to clicking the Maximize command on the Control menu for the application window
APP.MINIMIZEEquivalent to clicking the Minimize command on the Control menu for the application window
APP.MOVEEquivalent to clicking the Move command on the Control menu for the application window
APP.RESTOREEquivalent to clicking the Restore command on the Control menu for the application window
APP.SIZEEquivalent to choosing the Size command from the Control menu for the application window
APP.TITLEChanges the title of the Microsoft Excel application workspace to the title you specify
ARGUMENTDescribes the arguments used in a custom function, which is a type of macro, or in a subroutine
ARRANGE.ALLEquivalent to clicking the Arrange command on the Window menu
ASSIGN.TO.OBJECTAssigns a macro to the currently select object
ASSIGN.TO.TOOLAssigns a macro to be run when a button is clicked with the mouse
ATTACH.TEXTAttaches text to certain parts of the selected chart
ATTACH.TOOLBARSDisplays the Attach Toolbars dialog box, which you use to attach or associate toolbars with documents
AUTO.OUTLINEEquivalent to clicking the Auto Outline command on the Group And Outline submenu of the Data menu
AXESControls whether the axes on a chart are visible
BEEPSounds a tone
BORDEREquivalent to clicking the Border tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you click the Cells command on the Format menu
BREAKInterrupts a FOR-NEXT, a FOR
BRING.TO.FRONTPuts the selected object or objects on top of all other objects
CALCULATE.DOCUMENTEquivalent to choosing the Calc Sheet button in the Calculation tab on the Options dialog, which appears when you choose the Options command from the Tools menu
CALCULATE.NOWEquivalent to clicking the Calculation tab in the Options dialog box and then clicking the Calc Now button
CALCULATIONControls when and how formulas in open workbooks are calculated
CALLERReturns information about the cell, range of cells, command on a menu, tool on a toolbar, or object that called the macro that is currently running
CANCEL.COPYEquivalent to pressing ESC in Microsoft Excel for Windows or ESC or COMMAND+PERIOD in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh to cancel the marquee after you copy or cut a selection
CANCEL.KEYDisables macro interruption, or specifies a macro to run when a macro is interrupted
CELL.PROTECTIONEquivalent to choosing the Protection tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you choose the Cells command from the Format menu
CHANGE.LINKEquivalent to clicking the Change Source button in the Links dialog box, which appears when you click the Links command on the Edit menu
CHART.ADD.DATAEquivalent to dragging data from a worksheet onto a chart
CHART.TRENDA trendline can be added to only to the these chart types: bar, column, stacked column, scatter, line, and area
CHART.WIZARDEquivalent to clicking the ChartWizard button on the standard or chart toolbar
CHECKBOX.PROPERTIESSets various properties of check box and option box controls on a worksheet or dialog sheet
CHECK.COMMANDAdds or removes a check mark to or from a command name on a menu
CLEAREquivalent to clicking the Clear command on the Edit menu
CLEAR.OUTLINEEquivalent to clicking the Clear Outline command on the Group And Outline submenu of the Data menu
CLEAR.ROUTING.SLIPEquivalent to the Clear button in the Routing Slip dialog box
CLOSECloses the active window
CLOSE.ALLEquivalent to clicking the Close All command on the File menu
COLOR.PALETTECopies a color palette from an open workbook to the active workbook
COLUMN.WIDTHEquivalent to choosing the Width command on the Column submenu of the Format menu
COMBINATIONChanges the format of the active chart to one of six built-in combination chart types
CONSOLIDATEEquivalent to clicking the Consolidate command on the Data menu
CONSTRAIN.NUMERICEquivalent to pressing the Constrain Numeric button
COPYEquivalent to clicking the Copy command on the Edit menu
COPY.CHARTEquivalent to choosing the Copy Chart command from the Edit menu in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1
COPY.PICTUREEquivalent to choosing the Copy Picture command from the Edit menu
COPY.TOOLCopies a button face to the Clipboard
CREATE.NAMESEquivalent to clicking the Create command on the Name submenu of the Insert menu
CREATE.OBJECTDraws an object on a sheet or macro sheet and returns a value identifying the object created
CREATE.PUBLISHEREquivalent to clicking the Create Publisher command on the Publishing submenu of the Edit menu
CUSTOMIZE.TOOLBAREquivalent to choosing the Toolbars command from the View menu and choosing the Customize button in Microsoft Excel 95
CUSTOM.REPEATAllows custom commands to be repeated using the Repeat tool or the Repeat command on the Edit menu
CUSTOM.UNDOCreates a customized Undo tool and Undo or Redo command on the Edit menu for custom commands
CUTEquivalent to choosing the Cut command from the Edit menu
DATA.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Delete command on the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
DATA.FINDEquivalent to clicking the Find and Exit Find commands on the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
Equivalent to pressing the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW key after the Find command has been chosen from the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
DATA.FORMEquivalent to clicking the Form command on the Data menu
DATA.LABELSpecifies label contents and position
DATA.SERIESEquivalent to clicking the Series command on the Fill submenu of the Edit menu
DEFINE.NAMEEquivalent to clicking the Define command on the Name submenu of the Insert menu
DEFINE.STYLEEquivalent to clicking the Define button in the Style dialog box, which appears when you click the Style command on the Format menu
DELETE.ARROWDeletes the selected arrow, either drawn as an arrow with the arrow tool or as a line that is later formatted as an arrow
DELETE.BARDeletes a custom menu bar
DELETE.CHART.AUTOFORMATDeletes a custom format from the list of formats shown in the Custom Types tab in the Chart Type dialog box
DELETE.COMMANDDeletes a command from a custom or built-in menu
DELETE.FORMATEquivalent to deleting the specified format in the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you click the Cells command on the Format menu, or in the Number tab for selected chart objects
DELETE.MENUDeletes a menu or submenu
DELETE.NAMEEquivalent to clicking the Delete button in the Define Name dialog box, which appears when you click the Define command on the Name submenu of the Insert menu
DELETE.OVERLAYEquivalent to clicking the Delete Overlay command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
DELETE.STYLEEquivalent to choosing the Delete button from the Style dialog box, which appears when you choose the Style command from the Format menu
DELETE.TOOLEquivalent to selecting a button and dragging it to an area other than a toolbar
DELETE.TOOLBAREquivalent to clicking the Delete button in the Toolbars dialog box, which appears when you click the Customize command (View menu, Toolbars submenu)
DEMOTEEquivalent to clicking the Group tool
DEREFReturns the value of the cells in a reference
DESCRGenerates descriptive statistics for data in the input range
DIALOG.BOXDisplays the dialog box described in a dialog box definition table
DIRECTORYSets the current drive and directory or folder to the specified path and returns the name of the new directory or folder as text
DISABLE.INPUTBlocks all input from the keyboard and mouse to Microsoft Excel (except input to displayed dialog boxes)
DISPLAYControls whether the screen displays formulas, gridlines, row and column headings, and other screen attributes
DOCUMENTSReturns, as a horizontal array in text form, the names of the specified open workbooks
DUPLICATEDuplicates the selected object
ECHOControls screen updating while a macro is running
EDITBOX.PROPERTIESSets the properties of an edit box on a dialog sheet
EDIT.COLOREquivalent to clicking the Modify button on the Color tab, which appears when you click the Options command on the Tools menu
EDIT.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Delete command on the Edit menu
EDITION.OPTIONSSets options in, or performs actions on, the specified publisher or subscriber
EDIT.OBJECTEquivalent to clicking the Edit command on the (selected object) Object submenu of the Edit menu
EDIT.REPEATEquivalent to clicking the Repeat command on the Edit menu
EDIT.SERIESEquivalent to clicking the Edit Series command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
EDIT.TOOLDisplays the Button Editor dialog box, which you use to change the appearance of a button on a toolbar
ELSEUsed with IF, ELSE
ELSE.IFUsed with IF, ELSE, and END
EMBEDDisplayed in the formula bar when an embedded object is selected
ENABLE.COMMANDEnables or disables a custom command or menu
ENABLE.OBJECTEnables or disables a drawing object or the selected drawing object
ENABLE.TIPWIZARDThis function should not be used
ENABLE.TOOLEnables or disables a button on a toolbar
END.IFEnds a block of functions associated with the preceding IF function
ENTER.DATATurns on Data Entry mode and allows you to select and to enter data into the unlocked cells in the current selection only (the data entry area)
ERRORSpecifies what action to take if an error is encountered while a macro is running
Adds error bars to the selected series in a chart
EVALUATEEvaluates a formula or expression that is in the form of text and returns the result
EXECStarts a separate program
EXECUTECarries out commands in another program with which you have a dynamic data exchange (DDE) link
EXPONPredicts a value based on the forecast for the prior period, adjusted for the error in that prior forecast
EXTEND.POLYGONAdds vertices to a polygon
EXTRACTEquivalent to choosing the Extract command from the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
FCLOSECloses the specified file
FILE.CLOSEEquivalent to clicking the Close command on the File menu
FILE.DELETEDeletes a file from the disk
FILESReturns a horizontal text array of the names of all files in the specified directory or folder
FILL.AUTOEquivalent to copying cells or automatically filling a selection by dragging the fill selection handle with the mouse (the AutoFill feature)
Equivalent to clicking the Down, Left, Right, and Up commands, respectively, on the Fill submenu of the Edit menu
FILL.GROUPEquivalent to choosing the Across Worksheets command from the Fill submenu on the Edit menu
FILTERFilters lists of data one column at a time
FILTER.ADVANCEDEquivalent to choosing the Advanced Filter command from the Filter submenu on the Data menu
FILTER.SHOW.ALLEquivalent to choosing the Show All command from the Filter submenu on the Data menu
FIND.FILEEquivalent to choosing the Find File command from the File menu in Microsoft Excel version 5
FONTEquivalent to clicking the Font command on the Options menu in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1
FONT.PROPERTIESEquivalent to choosing the Cells command from the Format menu
FOPENOpens a file with the type of permission specified
FORStarts a FOR-NEXT loop
FORMAT.AUTOEquivalent to clicking the AutoFormat command on the Format menu when a worksheet is active or clicking the AutoFormat button
FORMAT.CHARTEquivalent to choosing the Options button in the Chart Type dialog box, which is available when you choose the Chart Type command from the Format menu when a chart is active
FORMAT.CHARTTYPEChanges the chart type for a selected data series, a group of data series, or an entire chart
FORMAT.FONTEquivalent to choosing the Cells command from the Format menu, and then selecting Font tab from the Format Cells dialog box
FORMAT.LEGENDEquivalent to clicking the Selected Legend command on the Format menu when a chart is active
FORMAT.MAINEquivalent to clicking the Main Chart command on the Format menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
FORMAT.MOVEEquivalent to moving an object with the mouse
FORMAT.NUMBEREquivalent to choosing the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you choose Cells from the Format menu
FORMAT.OVERLAYEquivalent to clicking the Overlay command on the Format menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
FORMAT.SHAPEEquivalent to clicking the reshape button on the Drawing toolbar and then inserting, moving, or deleting vertices of the selected polygon
FORMAT.SIZEEquivalent to sizing an object with the mouse
FORMAT.TEXTFormats the selected worksheet text box or button or any text item on a chart
FORMULAEnters a formula in the active cell or in a reference
FORMULA.ARRAYEnters a formula as an array formula in the range specified or in the current selection
FORMULA.CONVERTChanges the style and type of references in a formula between A1 and R1C1 and between relative and absolute
FORMULA.FILLEnters a formula in the range specified or in the current selection
FORMULA.FINDEquivalent to clicking the Find command on the Edit menu
Finds the next and previous cells on the worksheet, as specified in the Find dialog box, and returns TRUE
FORMULA.GOTOEquivalent to clicking the Go To command on the Edit menu or to pressing F5
FORMULA.REPLACEEquivalent to clicking the Replace command on the Edit menu
FOURIERPerforms a Fourier transform
FPOSSets the position of a file
FREADReads characters from a file, starting at the current position in the file
FREADLNReads characters from a file, starting at the current position in the file and continuing to the end of the line, placing the characters in the cell containing FREADLN
FREEZE.PANESEquivalent to clicking the Freeze Panes or Unfreeze Panes command on the Window menu
FSIZEReturns the number of bytes in a file
FTESTVPerforms a two-sample F-test
FULLEquivalent to pressing CTRL+F10 (full size) and CTRL+F5 (previous size) or double-clicking the title bar in Microsoft Excel for Windows version 3
FULL.SCREENEquivalent to clicking the Full Screen command on the View menu
FUNCTION.WIZARDDisplays the Paste Function dialog box, which you can use to enter functions into cells
FWRITEWrites text to a file, starting at the current position in that file
FWRITELNWrites text, followed by a carriage return and linefeed, to a file, starting at the current position in that file
GALLERY.3D.AREAChanges the format of the active chart to a 3-D area chart
GALLERY.3D.BARChanges the active chart to a 3-D bar chart
GALLERY.3D.COLUMNChanges the format of the active chart to a 3-D column chart
GALLERY.3D.LINEChanges the format of the active chart to a 3-D line chart
GALLERY.3D.PIEChanges the format of the active chart to a 3-D pie chart
GALLERY.3D.SURFACEChanges the active chart to a 3-D surface chart
GALLERY.AREAChanges the format of the active chart to an area chart
GALLERY.BARChanges the format of the active chart to a bar chart
GALLERY.COLUMNChanges the format of the active chart to a column chart
GALLERY.CUSTOMChanges the format of the active chart to the custom format
GALLERY.DOUGHNUTChanges the format of the active chart to a doughnut chart
GALLERY.LINEChanges the format of the active chart to a line chart
GALLERY.PIEChanges the format of the active chart to a pie chart
GALLERY.RADARChanges the format of the active chart to a radar chart
GALLERY.SCATTERChanges the format of the active chart to an xy (scatter) chart
GET.BARReturns the number of the active menu bar
GET.CELLReturns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell
GET.CHART.ITEMReturns the vertical or horizontal position of a point on a chart item
GET.DEFReturns the name, as text, that is defined for a particular area, value, or formula in a workbook
GET.DOCUMENTReturns information about a sheet in a workbook
GET.FORMULAReturns the contents of a cell as they would appear in the formula bar
GET.LINK.INFOReturns information about the specified link
GET.NAMEReturns the definition of a name as it appears in the Refers To box of the Define Name dialog box, which appears when you choose the Define command from the Name submenu on the Insert menu
GET.NOTEReturns characters from a comment
GET.OBJECTReturns information about the specified object
GET.PIVOT.FIELDReturns information about a field in a PivotTable report
GET.PIVOT.ITEMReturns information about an item in a PivotTable report
GET.PIVOT.TABLEReturns information about a PivotTable report
GET.TOOLReturns information about a button or buttons on a toolbar
GET.TOOLBARReturns information about one toolbar or all toolbars
GET.WINDOWReturns information about a window
GET.WORKBOOKReturns information about a workbook
GET.WORKSPACEReturns information about the workspace
GOAL.SEEKEquivalent to clicking the Goal Seek command on the Tools menu
GOTODirects a macro to continue running at the upper-left cell of reference
GRIDLINESAllows you to turn chart gridlines on and off
GROUPCreates a single object from several selected objects and returns the object identifier of the group (for example, "Group 5")
HALTStops all macros from running
HELPStarts or switches to Help and displays the specified custom Help topic
HIDEEquivalent to clicking the Hide command on the Window menu
HIDE.DIALOGCloses the dialog box that has the current focus
HIDE.OBJECTHides or displays the specified object
HISTOGRAMCalculates individual and cumulative percentages for a range of data and a corresponding range of data bins
HLINEScrolls through the active window by a specific number of columns
HPAGEHorizontally scrolls through the active window one window at a time
HSCROLLHorizontally scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by column number
IFUsed with ELSE, ELSE
INITIATEOpens a dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel to an application and returns the number of the open channel
INPUTDisplays a dialog box for user input
INSERTInserts a blank cell or range of cells or pastes cells from the Clipboard into a sheet
INSERT.OBJECTEquivalent to choosing the Object command from the Insert menu, and then selecting an object type and choosing the OK button
INSERT.PICTUREEquivalent to clicking the Picture command on the Insert menu
INSERT.TITLEAttaches text to various parts of a chart
JUSTIFYEquivalent to clicking the Justify command on the Fill submenu of the Edit menu
LABEL.PROPERTIESSets the accelerator property of the label and group box controls on a worksheet or dialog sheet
LAST.ERRORReturns the reference to the cell where the last macro sheet error occurred
LEGENDAdds a legend to or removes a legend from a chart
LINE.PRINTPrints the active worksheet using methods compatible with those of Lotus 1-2-3
LINK.COMBOLinks an edit box and a list box control into a linked combination box group
LINK.FORMATLinks the number format of the selected data label to the worksheet cell or range containing the data label text
LINKSReturns, as a horizontal array of text values, the names of all workbooks referred to by external references in the workbook specified
LISTBOX.PROPERTIESSets the properties of a list box and drop-down controls on a worksheet or dialog sheet
LIST.NAMESEquivalent to clicking the Paste command on the Name submenu of the Insert menu and selecting the Paste List option button
MACRO.OPTIONSEquivalent to clicking the Options button in the Macro dialog box, which appears when you click the Macros command (Tools menu, Macro submenu)
MAIL.ADD.MAILEREquivalent to clicking the Add Mailer command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.DELETE.MAILEREquivalent to clicking the Delete Mailer command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.EDIT.MAILEREquivalent to clicking the Mailer button when mailer is attached to the current workbook
MAIL.FORWARDEquivalent to clicking the Forward command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.LOGOFFEnds the current mail session
MAIL.LOGONStarts a mail session
MAIL.NEXT.LETTEREquivalent to clicking the Next Letter command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.REPLYEquivalent to clicking the Reply command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.REPLY.ALLEquivalent to clicking the Reply All command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIL.SEND.MAILEREquivalent to clicking the Send Mailer command on the Mail submenu of the File menu
MAIN.CHARTEquivalent to clicking the Main Chart command on the Format menu when a chart sheet is active in Microsoft Excel version 2
MAIN.CHART.TYPEEquivalent to clicking the Main Chart Type command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1
MCORRELReturns a correlation matrix that measures the correlation between two or more data sets that are scaled to be independent of the unit of measurement
MCOVARReturns a covariance matrix that measures the covariance between two or more data sets
MENU.EDITORThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 97 or later because the Menu Editor is only available in Microsoft Excel 95 and Microsoft Excel version 5
MERGE.STYLESEquivalent to clicking the Merge button in the Style dialog box, which appears when you click the Style command on the Format menu
MESSAGEDisplays and removes messages in the message area of the status bar
MOVEEquivalent to moving a window by dragging its title bar in Microsoft Excel version 3
MOVEAVGProjects values in a forecast period, based on the average value of the variable over a specific number of preceding periods
MOVE.TOOLMoves or copies a button from one toolbar to another
NAMESReturns, as a horizontal array of text, the specified names defined in the specified workbook
NEWEquivalent to clicking the New command on the File menu
NEW.WINDOWEquivalent to clicking the New Window command on the Window menu
NOTEEquivalent to choosing the Comment command from the Insert menu
OBJECT.PROPERTIESDetermines how the selected object or objects are attached to the cells beneath them and whether they are printed
OBJECT.PROTECTIONChanges the protection status of the selected object
ON.DATARuns a specified macro when another application sends data to a particular workbook via dynamic data exchange (DDE) or via Publish and Subscribe on the Macintosh
ON.DOUBLECLICKRuns a macro when you double-click any cell or object on the specified sheet or macro sheet or double-click any item on the specified chart
ON.ENTRYRuns a macro when you enter data into any cell on the specified sheet
ON.KEYRuns a specified macro when a particular key or key combination is pressed
ON.RECALCRuns a macro when a specific sheet is recalculated
ON.SHEETStarts a macro whenever the specified sheet is activated from another sheet
ON.TIMERuns a macro at a specified time
ON.WINDOWRuns a specified macro when you switch to a particular window
OPENEquivalent to clicking the Open command on the File menu
OPEN.DIALOGDisplays the standard Microsoft Excel File Open dialog box with the specified file filters
OPEN.LINKSEquivalent to clicking the Links command on the Edit menu
OPEN.MAILEquivalent to clicking the Open Mail command on the Mail submenu on File menu
OPEN.TEXTEquivalent to using the Text Import Wizard to open a text file in Microsoft Excel
OPTIONS.CALCULATIONEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu, and clicking the Calculation tab in the Options dialog box
OPTIONS.CHARTEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Chart Tab in the Options dialog box when a chart is activated for editing
OPTIONS.EDITEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the tools menu and then clicking the Edit tab in the Options dialog box
OPTIONS.GENERALEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the General tab from the Options dialog box
OPTIONS.LISTS.ADDThis is the equivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Custom Lists tab in the Options diralog box
OPTIONS.LISTS.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Delete button on the Custom Lists tab when a custom list is selected
OPTIONS.LISTS.GETReturns contents of custom AutoFill lists as an array of text strings
OPTIONS.TRANSITIONEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Transition tab in the Options dialog box
OPTIONS.VIEWEquivalent to clicking the Options command on the Tools menu and then clicking the View tab in the Options dialog box
OUTLINECreates an outline and defines settings for automatically creating outlines
OVERLAYEquivalent to choosing the Overlay command from the Format menu in Microsoft Excel version 2
PAGE.SETUPEquivalent to clicking the Page Setup command on the File menu
PARSEDistributes the contents of the current selection to fill several adjacent columns; the selection can be no more than one column wide
PASTEEquivalent to clicking the Paste command on the Edit menu
PASTE.LINKEquivalent to clicking the Paste Special command on the Edit menu, and then clicking the Paste Link button in the Paste Special dialog box
PASTE.PICTUREEquivalent to clicking the Paste Picture command on the Edit menu while holding down the SHIFT key in Microsoft Excel version 4
PASTE.PICTURE.LINKEquivalent to holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the Paste Picture Link command on the Edit menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
PASTE.SPECIALEquivalent to clicking the Paste Special command on the Edit menu
PASTE.TOOLPastes a button face from the Clipboard to a specified position on a toolbar
PATTERNSEquivalent to clicking the Patterns tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you click the Cells command on the Format menu
PAUSEPauses a macro
PIVOT.ADD.DATAAdds a field to a PivotTable report
PIVOT.ADD.FIELDSAdd fields onto a PivotTable report
PIVOT.FIELDPivots a field within a PivotTable report
PIVOT.FIELD.GROUPCreates groups within a PivotTable report
PIVOT.FIELD.PROPERTIESChanges the properties of a field inside a PivotTable report
PIVOT.FIELD.UNGROUPUngroups all selected groups within a PivotTable report
PIVOT.ITEMMoves an item within a PivotTable report
PIVOT.ITEM.PROPERTIESChanges the properties of an item within a header field
PIVOT.REFRESHRefreshes a PivotTable report
PIVOT.SHOW.PAGESCreates new sheets in the workbook containing the active cell
PIVOT.TABLE.WIZARDCreates an empty PivotTable report
PLACEMENTEquivalent to choosing the Object Placement command from the Format menu in Microsoft Excel version 3
POKESends data to another application
PRECISIONEquivalent to selecting or clearing the Precision As Displayed check box in the Calculation tab of the Options dialog box, which appears when you click the Options command on the Tools menu
PREFERREDEquivalent to clicking the Preferred command on the Gallery menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
PRESS.TOOLFormats a button so that it appears either normal or depressed into the screen
PRINTEquivalent to clicking the Print command on the File menu
PRINT.PREVIEWEquivalent to clicking the Print Preview command on the File menu
PROMOTEEquivalent to clicking the Ungroup button
PROTECT.DOCUMENTAdds protection to or removes protection from the active sheet, macro sheet, chart, dialog sheet, module, or scenario
PTTESTMPerforms a paired two-sample Student's t-Test for means
PTTESTVPerforms a two-sample Student's t-Test, assuming unequal variances
PUSHBUTTON.PROPERTIESSets the properties of the push button control on a worksheet or dialog sheet
QUERY.GET.DATABuilds a new query using the supplied information
QUERY.REFRESHRefreshes the data in a data range returned to a worksheet from Microsoft Query
QUITEquivalent to clicking the Exit command on the File menu in Microsoft Excel for Windows
RANDOMFills a range with independent random or patterned numbers drawn from one of several distributions
RANKPERCReturns a table that contains the ordinal and percent rank of each value in a data set
REFTEXTConverts a reference to an absolute reference in the form of text
REGISTERRegisters the specified dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource and returns the register ID
REGRESSPerforms multiple linear regression analysis
RELREFReturns the reference of a cell or cells relative to the upper-left cell of rel_to_ref
REMOVE.LIST.ITEMRemoves an item in a list box or drop-down box
REMOVE.PAGE.BREAKEquivalent to clicking the Remove Page Break command on the Insert menu
RENAME.COMMANDChanges the name of a built-in or custom menu command or the name of a menu
RENAME.OBJECTRenames the selected object or group
REPLACE.FONTReplaces one of the four built-in fonts in Microsoft Excel for Windows version 2
REPORT.DEFINEEquivalent to clicking the Report Manager command on the View menu and then clicking the Add option in the Report Manager dialog box
REPORT.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Report Manager command on the View menu and then selecting a report in the Report Manager dialog box and clicking the Delete button
REPORT.GETReturns information about reports defined for the active workbook
REPORT.PRINTEquivalent to clicking the Print button in the Report Manager dialog box
REQUESTRequests an array of a specific type of information from an application with which you have a dynamic data exchange (DDE) link
RESET.TOOLResets a button to its original button face
RESET.TOOLBARResets built-in toolbars to the default Microsoft Excel set
RESTARTRemoves a number of RETURN statements from the stack
RESULTSpecifies the type of data a macro or custom function returns
RESUMEEquivalent to choosing the Resume button on the toolbar
RETURNEnds the currently running macro
ROUTE.DOCUMENTRoutes the workbook using the defined routing slip information
ROUTING.SLIPEquivalent to clicking the Add Routing Slip command on the File menu
ROW.HEIGHTEquivalent to choosing the Height command on the Row submenu of the Format menu
RUNEquivalent to choosing the Run button in the Macro dialog box, which appears when you choose the Macros command on the Macro submenu of the Tools menu
SAMPLESamples data
SAVEEquivalent to choosing the Save command from the File menu
SAVE.ASEquivalent to clicking the Save As command on the File menu
SAVE.COPY.ASSaves a copy of the current workbook using a different name but all the current workbook settings, such as passwords and file protection
SAVE.DIALOGDisplays the standard Microsoft Excel File Save As dialog box and gets a file name from the user
SAVE.TOOLBARSaves one or more toolbar definitions to a specified file
SAVE.WORKBOOKEquivalent to clicking the Save Workbook command on the File menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SAVE.WORKSPACEEquivalent to clicking the Save Workspace command on the File menu
SCALEChanges the position, formatting, and scaling of axes in a chart
SCENARIO.ADDEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Add button
SCENARIO.CELLSEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu and then editing the Changing Cells box
SCENARIO.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu, clicking a scenario, and then clicking the Delete button
SCENARIO.EDITEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command from the Tools menu and then clicking the Edit button
SCENARIO.GETReturns the specified information about the scenarios defined on your worksheet
SCENARIO.MERGEEquivalent to choosing the Scenarios command from the Tools menu and then selecting Merge
SCENARIO.SHOWEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu and then selecting a scenario and clicking the Show button
SCENARIO.SHOW.NEXTEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu, selecting the next scenario from the Scenarios list, and clicking the Show button
SCENARIO.SUMMARYEquivalent to clicking the Scenarios command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Summary button
SCROLLBAR.PROPERTIESSets the properties of the scroll bar and spinner button on a worksheet or dialog sheet
SELECTEquivalent to selecting cells or changing the active cell
SELECT.ALLEquivalent to selecting all the sheets in a workbook
SELECT.CHARTEquivalent to the Select Chart command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SELECT.ENDSelects the cell at the edge of the range or the first cell of the next range in the direction specified
SELECTIONReturns the reference or object identifier of the selection as an external reference
SELECT.LAST.CELLEquivalent to choosing the Special button from the Go To dialog box and selecting the Last Cell option
SELECT.LIST.ITEMSelects an item in a list box or in a group box
SELECT.PLOT.AREAEquivalent to clicking the Select Plot Area command on the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SELECT.SPECIALEquivalent to clicking the Go To command on the Edit menu and then selecting the Special button
SEND.KEYSSends keystrokes to the active application just as if they were typed at the keyboard
SEND.MAILEquivalent to clicking the Send Mail command on the File menu
SEND.TO.BACKSends the selected object or objects to the back
SERIES.AXESEquivalent to the Axis Tab in the Format Data Series dialog box
SERIES.ORDERChanges the order of series in a chart
SERIES.XEquivalent to the X Values tab in the Format Data Series dialog box
SERIES.YEquivalent to the Name and Values tab in the Format Data Series dialog box
SET.CONTROL.VALUEChanges the value for the active control, such as a list box, drop-down box, check box, option button, scroll bar, and spinner button
SET.CRITERIAEquivalent to clicking the Set Criteria command on the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SET.DATABASEEquivalent to clicking the Set Database command on the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SET.DIALOG.DEFAULTSets which button is automatically pressed (the default button) when the user presses ENTER
SET.DIALOG.FOCUSSets the focus of a dialog box
SET.EXTRACTEquivalent to clicking the Set Extract command on the Data menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
SET.LIST.ITEMSets the text of an item in a list box or drop-down box control
SET.NAMEDefines a name on a macro sheet to refer to a value
SET.PAGE.BREAKEquivalent to clicking the Page Break command on the Insert menu
SET.PREFERREDChanges the default format that Microsoft Excel uses when you create a new chart or when you format a chart PREFERRED macro function
SET.PRINT.AREADefines the print area for the workbook—the area that prints when you click the Print command on the File menu
SET.PRINT.TITLESDefines the print titles for the sheet
SET.UPDATE.STATUSSets the update status of a link to automatic or manual
SET.VALUEChanges the value of a cell or cells on the macro sheet (not the worksheet) without changing any formulas entered in those cells
SHORT.MENUSEquivalent to clicking the Short Menus command on the Options menu or the Chart menu in Microsoft Excel version 3
SHOW.ACTIVE.CELLScrolls the active window so the active cell becomes visible
SHOW.BARDisplays the specified menu bar
SHOW.CLIPBOARDDisplays the contents of the Clipboard in a new window
SHOW.DETAILExpands or collapses the detail under the specified expand or collapse button
SHOW.DIALOGRuns a dialog on a dialog sheet
SHOW.INFOThis function should not be used
SHOW.LEVELSDisplays the specified number of row and column levels of an outline
SHOW.TOOLBAREquivalent to selecting the check box corresponding to a toolbar on the Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog box, which appears when you select the Customize command (View menu, Toolbars submenu)
SIZEEquivalent to clicking the Size command on the Control menu in Microsoft Excel for Windows version 3
SLIDE.COPY.ROWThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.CUT.ROWThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.DEFAULTSThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.DELETE.ROWThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.EDITThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.GETThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.PASTEThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.PASTE.ROWThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SLIDE.SHOWThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 95 or later because the Slide Show add-in is available only in Microsoft Excel version 5
SOLVER.ADDEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and clicking the Add button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.CHANGEEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and clicking the Change button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and clicking the Delete button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.FINISHEquivalent to clicking OK in the Solver Results dialog box that appears when the solution process is complete
SOLVER.GETReturns information about current settings for Solver
SOLVER.LOADEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu, clicking the Options button in the Solver Parameters dialog box, and clicking the Load Model button in the Solver Options dialog box
SOLVER.OKEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and specifying options in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.OPTIONSEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and then clicking the Options button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.RESETEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and clicking the Reset All button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SOLVER.SAVEEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu, clicking the Options button in the Solver Parameters dialog box, and clicking the Save Model button in the Solver Options dialog box
SOLVER.SOLVEEquivalent to clicking the Solver command on the Tools menu and clicking the Solve button in the Solver Parameters dialog box
SORTEquivalent to clicking the Sort command on the Data menu
SOUND.NOTEThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 97 or later because sound notes are available only in Microsoft Excel 95 or earlier versions
SOUND.PLAYThis function should not be used in Microsoft Excel 97 or later because sound notes are available only in Microsoft Excel 95 or earlier versions
SPELLINGEquivalent to clicking the Spelling command on the Tools menu
SPELLING.CHECKChecks the spelling of a word
SPLITEquivalent to choosing the Split command from the Window menu or to dragging the split bar in the active window's scroll bar
SQL.BINDSpecifies where results from a SQL query are placed when they are retrieved with SQL
SQL.CLOSETerminates a connection to an external data source
SQL.ERRORReturns detailed error information when it is called after a previous XLODBC
SQL.EXEC.QUERYSends a query to a data source using an existing connection
SQL.GET.SCHEMAReturns information about the structure of the data source on a particular connection
SQL.OPENEstablishes a connection with a data source
SQL.RETRIEVERetrieves all or part of the results from a previously executed query
SQL.RETRIEVE.TO.FILERetrieves all of the results from a previously executed query and places them in a file
STANDARD.FONTSets the attributes of the standard font in Microsoft Excel version 2
STANDARD.WIDTHSets the default width used for all columns that you have not previously adjusted on the active worksheet
STEPStops the normal flow of a macro and calculates it one cell at a time
STYLEChecks the fonts for a bold and/or italic font and applies it to the current selection in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1
SUBSCRIBE.TOInserts the contents of the edition into the active sheet at the point of the current selection
SUBTOTAL.CREATEEquivalent to clicking the Subtotals command on the Data menu
SUBTOTAL.REMOVEEquivalent to clicking the Subtotal command on the Data menu, and then clicking the Remove All button in the Subtotal dialog box
SUMMARY.INFOEquivalent to clicking the Properties command on the File menu
TABLEEquivalent to clicking the Table command on the Data menu
TAB.ORDERThis function determines the order in which dialog controls will be selected when the user presses the TAB key
TERMINATECloses a dynamic data exchange (DDE) channel previously opened with the INITIATE function
TEXT.BOXReplaces characters in a text box or button with the text you specify
TEXTREFConverts text to an absolute reference in either A1- or R1C1-style
TEXT.TO.COLUMNSEquivalent to clicking the Text To Columns command on the Data menu when a column of data is to be separated into multiple columns
TRACER.CLEAREquivalent to clicking the Remove All Arrows button on the Auditing toolbar on a worksheet
TRACER.DISPLAYEquivalent to clicking the Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents buttons on the Auditing toolbar on a worksheet
TRACER.ERROREquivalent to clicking the Trace Error button on the Auditing toolbar on a worksheet
TRACER.NAVIGATEEquivalent to double-clicking on a displayed tracer arrow
TTESTMPerforms a two-sample Student's t-Test for means, assuming equal variances
UNDOEquivalent to clicking the Undo command on the Edit menu
UNGROUPSeparates a grouped object into individual objects
UNHIDEEquivalent to clicking the Unhide command on the Window menu
Equivalent to pressing TAB or SHIFT+TAB to move to the next or previous unlocked cell in a protected worksheet
UNREGISTERUnregisters a previously registered dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource
UPDATE.LINKEquivalent to clicking the Links command on the Edit menu and clicking the Update Now button with a link selected in the Links dialog box
VBA.INSERT.FILEInserts a text file containing code directly into your Visual Basic module
VBA.MAKE.ADDINConverts a workbook containing Visual Basic procedures into an add-in
VIEW.3DEquivalent to clicking the 3-D View command on the Format menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
VIEW.DEFINEEquivalent to clicking the Add button in the Custom Views dialog box in Microsoft Excel 97 or later, which appears when you click the Custom Views command on the View menu
VIEW.DELETEEquivalent to selecting a view and clicking the Delete button in the Custom Views dialog box, which appears when you click the Custom Views command on the View menu
VIEW.GETEquivalent to displaying a list of views in the Custom Views dialog box, which appears when you click the Custom Views command on the View menu
VIEW.SHOWEquivalent to selecting a view and clicking the Show button in the Custom Views dialog box, which appears when you click the Custom Views command on the View menu
VLINEScrolls through the active window vertically by the number of rows you specify
VOLATILESpecifies whether a custom worksheet function is volatile or nonvolatile
VPAGEVertically scrolls through the active window one window at a time
VSCROLLVertically scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by row number
WAITPauses the macro until the time specified by the serial number
WHILECarries out the statements between the WHILE function and the next NEXT function until logical_test is FALSE
WINDOW.MAXIMIZEChanges the active window from its normal size to full size
WINDOW.MINIMIZEShrinks a window to an icon
WINDOW.MOVEEquivalent to clicking the Move command on the Control menu in Microsoft Excel for Windows or moving a window by dragging its title bar or its icon
WINDOW.RESTOREChanges the active window from maximized or minimized size to its previous size
WINDOWSReturns the names of the specified open Microsoft Excel windows, including hidden windows
WINDOW.SIZEEquivalent to clicking the Size command on the Control menu or to adjusting the sizing borders (in Microsoft Excel for Windows) or the sizing box (in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh) of the window with the mouse
WINDOW.TITLEChanges the title of the active window to the title you specify
WORKBOOK.ACTIVATEEquivalent to activating a worksheet by clicking on its tab
WORKBOOK.COPYEquivalent to clicking the Move or Copy Sheet command on the Edit menu
WORKBOOK.DELETEEquivalent to clicking the Delete Sheet command on the Edit menu
WORKBOOK.HIDEEquivalent to clicking the Sheet command on the Format menu, and then clicking Hide on the Sheet submenu
WORKBOOK.INSERTEquivalent to clicking the Worksheet, Chart, or Macro commands on the Insert menu
WORKBOOK.MOVEEquivalent to clicking the Move or Copy Sheet command on the Edit menu
WORKBOOK.NAMEEquivalent to clicking the Rename command on the Sheet submenu of the Format menu
WORKBOOK.NEWAdds a sheet to a workbook
WORKBOOK.NEXTActivates the next sheet in the active workbook
WORKBOOK.OPTIONSEquivalent to selecting the Options button in a workbook contents window in Microsoft Excel version 4
WORKBOOK.PREVActivates the previous sheet in the workbook
WORKBOOK.PROTECTEquivalent to clicking the Protect Workbook command on the Protection submenu of the Tools menu
WORKBOOK.SCROLLScrolls through the sheets in a workbook
WORKBOOK.SELECTEquivalent to selecting a sheet or group of sheets in the active workbook
WORKBOOK.TAB.SPLITSets the ratio of the tabs to the horizontal scrollbar
WORKBOOK.UNHIDEEquivalent to clicking the Unhide command on the sheet submenu of the Format menu
WORKGROUPEquivalent to clicking the Group Edit command on the Options menu in Microsoft Excel version 4
WORKSPACEChanges the workspace settings for a workbook
ZOOMEquivalent to choosing the Zoom command from the View menu
ZTESTMPerforms a two-sample z-test for means, assuming the two samples have known variances