Defines the print titles for the sheet. Use SET.PRINT.TITLES if you want Microsoft Excel to print the titles whenever it prints any cells in a row or column that intersect the print titles area; a cell need only share the row or column with a print title for the title to be printed above or to the left of that cell.
SET.PRINT.TITLES(titles_for_cols_ref, titles_for_rows_ref)
SET.PRINT.TITLES?(titles_for_cols_ref, titles_for_rows_ref)
Titles_for_cols_ref is a reference to the row to be used as a title for columns.
If you specify part of a row, Microsoft Excel expands the title to a full row.
If you omit titles_for_cols_ref, Microsoft Excel uses the existing row of column titles, if any.
If you specify empty text (""), Microsoft Excel removes the row from the print titles definition.
Titles_for_rows_ref is a reference to the column to be used as a title for rows.
If you specify part of a column, Microsoft Excel expands the title to a full column.
If you omit titles_for_rows_ref, Microsoft Excel uses the existing column of row titles, if any.
If you specify empty text (""), Microsoft Excel removes the column from the print titles definition.
SET.PRINT.TITLES operates on the current sheet. If you specify a range that is invalid for the current sheet, Microsoft Excel returns the #VALUE error value.
The print titles selection can be a multiple selection. Microsoft Excel names this selection Print_Titles when SET.PRINT.TITLES is run.
Related Functions
DEFINE.NAME Defines a name on the active worksheet or macro sheet
PRINT Prints the active sheet
SET.PRINT.AREA Defines the print area
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