Formats a button so that it appears either normal or depressed into the screen.


PRESS.TOOL(bar_id, position, down)

Bar_id    specifies the number or name of the toolbar in which you want to change the button appearance. For detailed information about bar_id, see ADD.TOOL.

Position    specifies the position of the button within the toolbar. Position starts with 1 at the left side (if horizontal) or at the top (if vertical).

Down    is a logical value specifying the appearance of the button. If down is TRUE, the button appears depressed into the screen; if FALSE or omitted, it appears normal (up).


This function applies only to custom buttons to which macros have already been assigned. An error occurs if you try to process any other type of button.


The following macro formula sets the third button image on Toolbar4 to normal (up).

PRESS.TOOL("Toolbar4", 3, FALSE)

Related Functions

ADD.TOOL   Adds one or more buttons to a toolbar

DELETE.TOOL   Deletes a button from a toolbar

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