Equivalent to clicking the Table command on the Data menu. Creates a table based on the input values and formulas you define on a worksheet. Use data tables to perform a "what-if" analysis by changing certain constant values in your workbook to see how values in other cells are affected.
TABLE(row_ref, column_ref)
TABLE?(row_ref, column_ref)
Row_ref specifies the one cell to use as the row input for your table.
Row_ref should be either an external reference to a single cell on the active worksheet, such as !$A$1 or !Price, or an R1C1-style reference to a single cell in the form of text, such as "R1C1", "R[-1]C[-1]", or "Price".
If row_ref is an R1C1-style reference, it is assumed to be relative to the active cell in the selection.
Column_ref specifies the one cell to use as the column input for your table. Column_ref is subject to the same restrictions as row_ref.
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