Returns information about one toolbar or all toolbars. Use GET.TOOLBAR to get information about a toolbar to use with functions that add, delete, or alter toolbars.


GET.TOOLBAR(type_num, bar_id)

Type_num    specifies what type of information to return. If type_num is 8 or 9, GET.TOOLBAR returns an array of names or numbers of all visible or hidden toolbars. Otherwise, bar_id is required, and GET.TOOLBAR returns the requested information about the specified toolbar.

Type_num Returns
1 A horizontal array of all tool IDs on the toolbar, ordered by position. Gaps are represented by zeros.
2 Number indicating the horizontal position (x-coordinate) of the toolbar in the docked or floating region. For more information, see SHOW.TOOLBAR.
3 Number indicating the vertical position (y-coordinate) of the toolbar in the docked or floating region.
4 Number indicating the width of the toolbar in points.
5 Number indicating the height of the toolbar in points.
6 Number indicating the toolbar location:
  1 = Top dock in the workspace
  2 = Left dock in the workspace
  3 = Right dock in the workspace
  4 = Bottom dock in the workspace
  5 = Floating
7 If the toolbar is visible, returns TRUE. If the toolbar is hidden, returns FALSE.
8 An array of toolbar IDs (names or numbers in the bar_id array) for all toolbars, visible and hidden.
9 An array of toolbar IDs (names or numbers in the bar_id array) for all visible toolbars.
10 If the toolbar is visible in full-screen mode, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.

Bar_id    specifies the number or name of a toolbar for which you want information. If type_num is 8 or 9, Microsoft Excel ignores bar_id. For detailed information about bar_id, see ADD.TOOL.


If you request position information for a hidden toolbar, Microsoft Excel returns the position where the toolbar would appear if shown.


The following macro formula returns information about the width of Toolbar1:

GET.TOOLBAR(4, "Toolbar1")

When the following macro formula is entered as an array with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, the IDs of all visible toolbars are returned, and the array is named All_Bar_Ids:


Related Functions

ADD.TOOL   Adds one or more buttons to a toolbar

ADD.TOOLBAR   Creates a new toolbar with the specified tools

DELETE.TOOLBAR   Deletes custom toolbars

GET.TOOL   Returns information about a tool or tools on a toolbar

SHOW.TOOLBAR   Hides or displays a toolbar

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