Equivalent to clicking the Protect Workbook command on the Protection submenu of the Tools menu. Controls protection of workbooks.


WORKBOOK.PROTECT(structure, windows, password)

WORKBOOK.PROTECT?(structure, windows, password)

Structure    specifies whether the structure of the workbook is protected. If TRUE, the structure is protected. If FALSE or omitted, the structure is not protected.

Windows    specifies whether the windows of the workbook are protected. If TRUE, the windows are protected. If FALSE or omitted, the windows are not protected.

Password    specifies whether to protect the workbook with a password. If omitted no password is used. When recording a macro, this argument is not recorded. In the dialog box form of this function, you can specify a password.


To protect a sheet in a workbook, use the PROTECT.DOCUMENT function.

Related Function

PROTECT.DOCUMENT   Protects a sheet in a workbook

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