FOPEN macro

Opens a file with the type of permission specified. Unlike OPEN, FOPEN does not load the file into memory and display it; instead, FOPEN establishes a channel with the file so that you can exchange information with it. If the file is opened successfully, FOPEN returns a file ID number. If it can't open the file, FOPEN returns the #N/A error value. Use the file ID number with other file functions (such as FREAD, FWRITE, and FSIZE) when you want to get information from or send information to the file.


FOPEN(file_text, access_num)

File_text    is the name of the file you want to open.

Access_num    is a number from 1 to 3 specifying what type of permission to allow to the file:

Access_num Type of permission
1 or omitted Can read and write to the file (read/write permission)
2 Can read the file, but can't write to the file (read-only permission)
3 Creates a new file with read/write permission




Use FCLOSE to close a file after you finish using it.


The following function opens a file identified as FileName using read-only permission:

FOPEN(FileName, 2)

Related Functions

FCLOSE   Closes a text file

FREAD   Reads characters from a text file

FWRITE   Writes characters to a text file

OPEN   Opens a workbook

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