Enables or disables a button on a toolbar. An enabled button can be accessed by the user. Disabled buttons may still be visible but cannot be accessed. Use ENABLE.TOOL to control which buttons the user can click in a particular situation.


ENABLE.TOOL(bar_id, position, enable)

Bar_id    is the number or name of a toolbar on which the button resides. For detailed information about bar_id, see ADD.TOOL.

Position    specifies the position of the button on the toolbar. Position starts with 1 at the left side (if horizontal) or from the top (if vertical).

Enable    specifies whether the button can be accessed. If enable is TRUE or omitted, the user can access the button; if FALSE, the user cannot access it.


Microsoft Excel sounds a tone if you click a disabled button.


The following macro formula enables the fourth button in Toolbar1:

ENABLE.TOOL("Toolbar1", 4, TRUE)

Related Function

GET.TOOL   Returns information about a button or buttons on a toolbar

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