NOTE macro

Equivalent to choosing the Comment command from the Insert menu. Creates a comment or replaces text characters in a comment.


NOTE(add_text, cell_ref, start_char, num_chars)

NOTE?( )

Add_text    is text of up to 255 characters you want to add to a comment. Add_text must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Cell_ref    is the cell to which you want to add the comment text. If cell_ref is omitted, add_text is added to the active cell's comment.

Start_char    is the number of the character at which you want add_text to be added. If start_char is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. If there is no existing comment, start_char is ignored.

Num_chars    is the number of characters that you want to replace in the comment. If num_chars is omitted, it is assumed to be equal to the length of the comment.



To find out if a cell has a comment attached to it, use GET.CELL.

Related Function

GET.NOTE   Returns characters from a comment

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