Equivalent to clicking the Freeze Panes or Unfreeze Panes command on the Window menu. Splits the active window into panes, creates frozen panes, or freezes or unfreezes existing panes. Use FREEZE.PANES to keep row or column titles on the screen while scrolling to other parts of the sheet.


FREEZE.PANES(logical, col_split, row_split)

Logical    is a logical value specifying which command FREEZE.PANES is equivalent to.


Col_split    specifies where to split the window vertically and is measured in columns from the left of the window.

Row_split    specifies where to split the window horizontally and is measured in rows from the top of the window.

Col_split and row_split are ignored unless logical is TRUE and split panes do not exist.


To create panes without freezing or unfreezing them, use the SPLIT function. You can freeze the panes later using the FREEZE.PANES function.

Related Functions

ACTIVATE   Switches to a window

SPLIT   Splits a window

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