Equivalent to clicking the Down, Left, Right, and Up commands, respectively, on the Fill submenu of the Edit menu.
FILL.DOWN copies the contents and formats of the cells in the top row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection.
FILL.LEFT copies the contents and formats of the cells in the right column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection.
FILL.RIGHT copies the contents and formats of the cells in the left column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection.
FILL.UP copies the contents and formats of the cells in the bottom row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection.
If you have a multiple selection, each range in the selection is filled separately with the contents of the source range.
Related Functions
COPY Copies and pastes data or objects
DATA.SERIES Fills a range of cells with a series of numbers or dates
FILL.AUTO Copies cells or automatically fills a selection
FORMULA.FILL Enters a formula in the specified range
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