Changes the chart type for a selected data series, a group of data series, or an entire chart.


FORMAT.CHARTTYPE(apply_to, group_num, dimension, type_num)

FORMAT.CHARTTYPE?(apply_to, group_num, dimension, type_num)

Apply_to    is a number from 1 to 3 specifying what part of a chart the new chart type effects.

Value Part of chart
1 Selected data series
2 Group of data series
3 Entire chart

Group_num    corresponds to the number of the group you want to change as listed in the Group list box of the Chart Type dialog box, which appears when you click Chart Type from the Format menu while a chart is active. Groups are numbered starting with 1 for the group at the top of the list. This argument is required if apply_to equals 2; otherwise it is ignored.

Dimension    specifies whether to apply a 2-D or 3-D chart type. Use 1 for a 2-D chart type or 2 for a 3-D chart type. If omitted, uses the same dimension as the series, group, or chart to be changed.

Type_num    specifies the chart type to apply. Meaning of type_num varies depending on the value of dimension:

Type_num Chart type if dimension is 1
1 Area or 3-D area
2 Bar or 3-D bar
3 Column or 3-D column
4 Line or 3-D line
5 Pie or 3-D pie
6 Doughnut or 3-D surface
7 Radar
8 XY (scatter)

Related Function

FORMAT.CHART   Formats the selected chart

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