GET.NAME macro

Returns the definition of a name as it appears in the Refers To box of the Define Name dialog box, which appears when you choose the Define command from the Name submenu on the Insert menu. If the definition contains references, they are given as R1C1-style references. Use GET.NAME to check the value defined by a name. To get the name corresponding to a definition, use GET.DEF.


GET.NAME(name_text, info_type)

Name_text    can be a name defined on the macro sheet; an external reference to a name defined on the active workbook, for example, "!Sales"; or an external reference to a name defined on a particular open workbook, for example, "[Book1]SHEET1!Sales". Name_text can also be a hidden name.

Info_type     specifies the type of information to return about the name. If 1 or omitted, the definition is returned. If 2, returns TRUE if the name is defined for just the sheet, FALSE if the name is defined for the entire workbook.


If the Contents check box has been selected in the Protect Sheet dialog box to protect the workbook containing the name, GET.NAME returns the #N/A error value. To see the Protect Sheet dialog box, choose the Protect Sheet command on the Protection submenu from the Tools menu.


If the name Sales on a macro sheet is defined as the number 523, then:

GET.NAME("Sales") equals "=523"

If the name Profit on the active sheet is defined as the formula =Sales-Costs, then:

GET.NAME("!Profit") equals "=Sales-Costs"

If the name Database on the active sheet is defined as the range A1:F500, then:

GET.NAME("!Database") equals "=R1C1:R500C6"

Related Functions

DEFINE.NAME   Defines a name on the active or macro sheet

GET.CELL   Returns information about the specified cell

GET.DEF   Returns a name matching a definition

NAMES   Returns the names defined in a workbook

SET.NAME   Defines a name as a value

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