ADD.TOOL macro

Adds one or more buttons to a toolbar.


ADD.TOOL(bar_id, position, tool_ref)

Bar_id    is either a number specifying one of the built-in toolbars or the name of a custom toolbar.

Bar_id Built-in toolbar
1 Standard
2 Formatting
3 Query and Pivot
4 Chart
5 Drawing
6 TipWizard
7 Forms
8 Stop Recording
9 Visual Basic
10 Auditing
11 WorkGroup
12 Microsoft
13 Full Screen

Position    specifies the position of the button within the toolbar. Position starts with 1 at the left side (if horizontal) or at the top (if vertical).

Tool_ref    is either a number specifying a built-in button or a reference to an area on the macro sheet that defines a custom button or set of buttons (or an array containing this information).

For customized buttons, the following example shows the components of a button reference area on a macro sheet and defines custom tools. The range A1:I5 is a valid tool_ref. Row 1 refers to a built-in tool. Row 2 defines a gap. For this illustration, values are displayed instead of formulas so that text can wrap in cells.


To indicate that a particular component of tool_ref is not used, clear the contents of the corresponding cell.


ADD.TOOL(bar_id, position, {tool_id1, macro1, down1, enabled1, face1,
status_text1, balloon_text1, help_topics1;tool_id2, macro2, down2, enabled2,
face2, status_text2, balloon_text2, help_topics2;...})



The following macro formula adds a button to Toolbar5. The cell range B6:I6 contains tool_ref.

ADD.TOOL("Toolbar5", 6, B6:I6)

The following macro formula adds the New Macro Sheet button to the fifth position on the Standard toolbar:

ADD.TOOL(1, 5, 6)

Related Functions

ADD.COMMAND   Adds a command to a menu

ADD.TOOLBAR   Creates a toolbar with the specified tools

DELETE.TOOL   Deletes a button from a toolbar

DELETE.TOOLBAR   Deletes custom toolbars

RESET.TOOLBAR   Resets a built-in toolbar to its default initial setting

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