Runs a specified macro when another application sends data to a particular workbook via dynamic data exchange (DDE) or via Publish and Subscribe on the Macintosh. Workbook links to other applications are called remote references.
ON.DATA(document_text, macro_text)
Important Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh requires system software version 7.0 or later for this function.
Document_text is the name of the sheet to which remote data will be sent or the name of the source of the remote data.
If document_text is the name of the remote data source, it must be in the form app|topic!item. You can use the form app|topic to include all items for a particular topic, or app| to specify an app alone, but you must include the | to indicate that you are specifying the name of a data source.
If document_text is omitted, the macro specified by macro_text is run whenever remote data is sent to any sheet not already assigned to another ON.DATA function.
In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, document_text can also be the name of a published edition file. Unless the file is in the current folder, document_text must include the complete path.
Macro_text is the name of, or an R1C1-style reference to, a macro that you want to run when data comes into the workbook or from the source specified by document_text. The name or reference must be in text form.
If macro_text is omitted, the ON.DATA function is turned off for the specified workbook or source.
ON.DATA remains in effect until you either clear it or quit Microsoft Excel. You can clear ON.DATA by specifying document_text and omitting the macro_text argument.
If the macro sheet containing macro_text is closed when data is sent to document_text, an error is returned.
If the incoming data causes recalculation, Microsoft Excel first runs the macro macro_text and then performs the recalculation.
In Microsoft Excel for Windows, the following macro formula runs the macro AddOrders when data is sent to the sheet New in the workbook ORDERSDB.XLS:
ON.DATA("[ORDERSDB.XLS]New", "AddOrders")
In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, the following macro formula runs the macro beginning at cell R2C3 when data is sent to the sheet North in the workbook SALES DATABASE:
Related Functions
ERROR Specifies what action to take if an error is encountered while a macro is running
INITIATE Opens a channel to another application
ON.ENTRY Runs a macro when data is entered
ON.RECALC Runs a macro when a workbook is recalculated
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