Expands or collapses the detail under the specified expand or collapse button.
SHOW.DETAIL(rowcol, rowcol_num, expand, show_field)
Rowcol is a number that specifies whether to operate on rows or columns of data.
Rowcol_num is a number that specifies the row or column to expand or collapse. If you are in A1 mode, you must still give the column as a number. If rowcol_num is not a summary row or column, SHOW.DETAIL returns the #VALUE! error value and interrupts the macro.
Expand is a logical value that specifies whether to expand or collapse the detail under the row or column. If expand is TRUE, Microsoft Excel expands the detail under the row or column; if FALSE, it collapses the detail under the row or column. If expand is omitted, the detail is expanded if it is currently collapsed and collapsed if it is currently expanded.
Show_Field is a string specifying the name of the field to add to a PivotTable report, if the selection is inside a PivotTable report. The new field is added as the new innermost field. Available for only innermost row or column fields.
Related Function
SHOW.LEVELS Displays a specific number of levels of an outline
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