Runs a macro when you double-click any cell or object on the specified sheet or macro sheet or double-click any item on the specified chart.


ON.DOUBLECLICK(sheet_text, macro_text)

Sheet_text    is a text value specifying the name of a sheet in a workbook. If sheet_text is omitted, the macro is run whenever you double-click any sheet not specified by a previous ON.DOUBLECLICK formula. Sheet_text must be in the form "[book1]sheet1".

Macro_text    is the name of, or an R1C1-style reference to, a macro you want to run when you double-click the sheet specified by sheet_text. The name or reference must be in text form. If macro_text is omitted, double-clicking reverts to its normal behavior, and any macros assigned by previous ON.DOUBLECLICK functions are turned off.



Related Functions

ASSIGN.TO.OBJECT   Assigns a macro to an object

ON.WINDOW   Runs a macro when you switch to a window

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