Equivalent to clicking the Options button in the Macro dialog box, which appears when you click the Macros command (Tools menu, Macro submenu).


MACRO.OPTIONS(macro_name, description, menu_on, menu_text, shortcut_on, shortcut_key, function_category, status_bar_text, help_id, help_file)

Macro_name    is the name of the macro that you want to set options for, including the name of the workbook and sheet containing the macro.

Description    is the description of the macro displayed in the Macro dialog box.

Menu_on    is a logical value indicating whether a menu item is automatically added for this macro. If TRUE, menu_text must be specified. If FALSE or omitted, no menu item is added. If the macro already has a menu item, setting this argument to FALSE removes the menu item.

Menu_text    is the text of the menu item to be added for the macro. Ignored unless menu_on is TRUE.

Shortcut_on    is a logical value indicating whether a shortcut key is assigned to the macro. If TRUE, shortcut_key must be specified. If FALSE or omitted, no shortcut key is assigned. If the macro already has a shortcut key, setting this argument to FALSE removes the shortcut key.

Shortcut_key    is the letter of the shortcut key for the macro. Ignored if shortcut_key is FALSE.

Function_category    is the number of the category in the Paste Function dialog box that the macro is assigned to. Categories are numbered starting at 1 for the category at the top of the list in the Paste Function dialog box.

Status_bar_text    the text displayed in the status bar when a menu item or toolbar button assigned to this macro is clicked on. Be sure to enclose the text in quotes.

Help_id    is the numerical ID for the help topic associated with this macro and any related menu items or toolbar buttons.

Help_file    is the pathname of the help file for the macro.

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