Creates an empty PivotTable report.


PIVOT.TABLE.WIZARD(type, source, destination, name, row_grand, col_grand, save_data, apply_auto_format, autopage)

PIVOT.TABLE.WIZARD?(type, source, destination, name, row_grand, col_grand, save_data, apply_auto_format, autopage)

Type    is a number specifying the type of source data used to create the PivotTable report.

Value Type of source data
1 Microsoft Excel list or database
2 External data source
3 Multiple consolidation ranges
4 Another PivotTable report

Source    can be one of four things. If type is 1, then source is a cell reference or name to the range to be used as the PivotTable source. If type is 2, then source is a one-dimensional array describing the external database to be used as the PivotTable source. If type is 3, then source is a multi-dimensional array listing the cell ranges and associated page field items describing the consolidation PivotTable source. If type is 4, then source is the name of another PivotTable report with which to share its source.

Destination    is a cell reference or name. The upper-left corner of this range will act as the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report which will be created. If destination is omitted, Microsoft Excel will create the PivotTable report on a new sheet.

Name    is the name of the PivotTable report to be created given as a text. If name is omitted, Microsoft Excel uses a default name.

Row_grand    is a logical value which if TRUE displays a Grand Total for each row on the PivotTable report. If FALSE, a Grand Total for each row is not displayed.

Col_grand    is a logical value which if TRUE displays a Grand Total for each column. If FALSE, a Grand Total for each column is not displayed.

Save_data    is a logical value which if TRUE causes the data for the PivotTable report to be saved along with the PivotTable definition. If FALSE, the data is not saved along with the PivotTable definition.

Apply_auto_format    is a logical value which if TRUE causes autoformatting upon pivotting or refreshing. If FALSE, the PivotTable report will not be formatted automatically upon pivoting or refreshing.

Autopage    Applies only to type 3. This argument is a logical value which if TRUE or omitted causes Microsoft Excel to create a page field automatically. If FALSE, the page field must be created manually.


Related Functions

PIVOT.ADD.DATA   Adds a field to a PivotTable report as a data field

PIVOT.ADD.FIELDS   Adds fields to a PivotTable report

PIVOT.FIELD   Pivots fields within a PivotTable report

PIVOT.FIELD.GROUP   Creates groups within a PivotTable report

PIVOT.FIELD.PROPERTIES   Changes the properties of a field inside a PivotTable report

PIVOT.FIELD.UNGROUP   Ungroups all selected groups within a PivotTable report

PIVOT.ITEM   Moves an item within a PivotTable report

PIVOT.ITEM.PROPERTIES   Changes the properties of an item within a header field

PIVOT.REFRESH   Refreshes a PivotTable report

PIVOT.SHOW.PAGES   Creates new sheets in the workbook containing the active cell

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