Starts a mail session.

Important   To use MAIL.LOGON in Microsoft Excel for Windows, you must be using a mail client that supports the Messaging Applications Programming Interface (MAPI) or Vendor-Independent Messaging (VIM). The function is available for only Microsoft Excel for Windows.


MAIL.LOGON(name_text, password_text, download_logical)

MAIL.LOGON?(name_text, password_text, download_logical)

Name_text    is the username of the mail account or Microsoft Exchange profile name. If omitted, prompts for username.

Password_text    is the password for the account. If omitted, prompts for password. Ignored when the dialog box form is used. This argument is ignored in Microsoft Exchange.

Download_logical    specifies whether to download new mail. Use TRUE to download new mail; use FALSE or leave blank to skip downloading new mail.


Returns FALSE if you cancel the dialog box or #VALUE! if you can't log on.

If you omit both name_text and password_text, Microsoft Excel tries to log on using an existing mail session.

Related Function

MAIL.LOGOFF   Ends the current mail session

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