Equivalent to clicking the Patterns tab in the Format Cells dialog box, which appears when you click the Cells command on the Format menu. Changes the appearance of the selected cells or objects or the selected chart item (you can select only one chart item at a time). The PATTERNS function has eight syntax forms: syntax 1 is for cells on a sheet or macro sheet. Syntax 2 is for lines or arrows on a worksheet, macro sheet, or chart. Syntax 3 is for objects on a sheet or macro sheet. Syntax 4 through syntax 8 are for chart items.

Syntax 1


PATTERNS(apattern, afore, aback, newui)

PATTERNS?(apattern, afore, aback, newui)

Syntax 2

Lines (arrows) on worksheets or charts

PATTERNS(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, hwidth, hlength, htype)

PATTERNS?(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, hwidth, hlength, htype)

Syntax 3

Text boxes, rectangles, ovals, arcs, and pictures on worksheets or macro sheets

PATTERNS(bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, rounded, newui)

PATTERNS?(bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, rounded, newui)

Syntax 4

Chart plot areas, bars, columns, pie slices, and text labels

PATTERNS(bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, invert, apply, new_fill)

PATTERNS?(bauto, bstyle, bcolor, bwt, shadow, aauto, apattern, afore, aback, invert, apply, new_fill)

Syntax 5

Chart axes

PATTERNS(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, tmajor, tminor, tlabel)

PATTERNS?(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, tmajor, tminor, tlabel)

Syntax 6

Chart gridlines, hi-lo lines, drop lines, lines on a picture line chart, and picture charts of bar and column charts

PATTERNS(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, apply, smooth)

PATTERNS?(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, apply, smooth)

Syntax 7

Chart data lines

PATTERNS(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, mauto, mstyle, mfore, mback, apply, smooth)

PATTERNS?(lauto, lstyle, lcolor, lwt, mauto, mstyle, mfore, mback, apply, smooth)

Syntax 8

Picture chart markers

PATTERNS(type, picture_units, apply)

PATTERNS?(type, picture_units, apply)

The following argument descriptions are in alphabetic order. Arguments correspond to check boxes, list boxes, and options in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box for the selected item. The default for each argument reflects the setting in the dialog box.

Aauto    is a number from 0 to 2 specifying area settings (that is, the object's "surface area").

If aauto is Area settings are
0 Set by the user (custom)
1 Automatic (set by Microsoft Excel)
2 None

Aback    is a number from 1 to 56 corresponding to the 56 area background colors in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

Afore    is a number from 1 to 56 corresponding to the 56 area foreground colors in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells dialog box.

Apattern    is a number corresponding to the area patterns in the Patterns tab of the Format Cells or Format Object dialog box. If an object is selected, apattern can be from 1 to 18; if a cell is selected, apattern can be from 0 to 18. If apattern is 0 and a cell is selected, Microsoft Excel applies no pattern.

Apply    is a logical value corresponding to the Apply To All check box in Microsoft Excel version 4.0. This argument is for compatibility with previous versions of Microsoft Excel and applies only when a chart data point or a data series is selected.


Bauto    is a number from 0 to 2 specifying border settings.

If bauto is Border settings are
0 Set by the user (custom)
1 Automatic (set by Microsoft Excel)
2 None

Bcolor    is a number from 1 to 56 corresponding to the 56 border colors in the Border tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

Bstyle    is a number from 1 to 8 corresponding to the eight border styles in the Border tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

Bwt    is a number from 1 to 4 corresponding to the four border weights in the Border tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

If bwt is Border is
1 Hairline
2 Thin
3 Medium
4 Thick

Hlength    is a number from 1 to 3 specifying the length of the arrowhead.

If hlength is Arrowhead is
1 Short
2 Medium
3 Long

Htype    is a number from 1 to 5 specifying the style of the arrowhead.

If htype is Style of arrowhead is
1 No head
2 Open head
3 Closed head
4 Double open head
5 Double closed head

Hwidth    is a number from 1 to 3 specifying the width of the arrowhead.

If hwidth is Arrowhead is
1 Narrow
2 Medium
3 Wide

Invert    is a logical value corresponding to the Invert If Negative check box in the Patterns tab of the Format Data Series dialog box. This argument applies only to data markers.


Lauto    is a number from 0 to 2 specifying line settings.

If lauto is Line settings are
0 Set by the user (custom)
1 Automatic (set by Microsoft Excel)
2 None

Lcolor    is a number from 1 to 56 corresponding to the 16 line colors in the Patterns tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

Lstyle    is a number from 1 to 8 corresponding to the eight line styles in the Patterns tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

Lwt    is a number from 1 to 4 corresponding to the four line weights in the Patterns tab of the Format Object or Format (chart element) dialog box.

If lwt is Line is
1 Hairline
2 Thin
3 Medium
4 Thick

Mauto    is a number from 0 to 2 specifying marker settings.

If mauto is Marker settings are
0 Set by the user
1 Automatic (set by Microsoft Excel)
2 None

Mback    is a number from 1 to 56corresponding to the 56 marker background colors in the Patterns tab of the Format Data Series dialog box.

Mfore    is a number from 1 to 56 corresponding to the 56 marker foreground colors in the Patterns tab of the Format Data Series dialog box.

Mstyle    is a number from 1 to 9 corresponding to the nine marker styles in the Patterns tab of the Format Data Series dialog box.

Picture_units    is the number of units you want each picture to represent in a scaled, stacked picture chart. This argument applies only to picture charts and only if type is 3.

Rounded    is a logical value corresponding to the Round Corners check box and specifying whether to make the corners on text boxes and rectangles rounded. If rounded is TRUE, the corners are rounded; if FALSE, the corners are square. If the selection is an arc or an oval, rounded is ignored.

Newui    is a logical value that specifies whether to use the foreground, background, and patterns of Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or later. If TRUE or omitted, the colors and patterns of Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or later will be used. If FALSE, the colors and patterns of Microsoft Excel version 4.0 will be used.

Newfill    is a logical value that specifies whether to use the chart patterns of Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or later. If TRUE or omitted, the chart patterns of Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or later will be used. If FALSE, the chart patterns of Microsoft Excel version 4.0 will be used.

Shadow    is a logical value corresponding to the Shadow check box. Shadow does not apply to area charts or bars in bar charts. If shadow is TRUE, Microsoft Excel adds a shadow to the selected item; if FALSE, Microsoft Excel removes the shadow, if one is present, from the selected item. If the selection is an arc, shadow is ignored.

Smooth    is a logical value that applies smoothing to picture markers in line or xy (scatter) charts. The default is FALSE.

Tlabel    is a number from 1 to 4 specifying the position of tick labels.

If tlabel is Tick label position is
1 None
2 Low
3 High
4 Next to axis

Tmajor    is a number from 1 to 4 specifying the type of major tick marks.

If tmajor is Type of major tick marks is
1 None
2 Inside
3 Outside
4 Cross

Tminor    is a number from 1 to 4 specifying the type of minor tick marks.

If tminor is Type of minor tick marks is
1 None
2 Inside
3 Outside
4 Cross

Type    is a number from 1 to 3 specifying the type of pictures to use in a picture chart.

If type is Pictures should be
1 Stretched to reach a particular value
2 Stacked on top of each other to reach a particular value
3 Stacked on top of each other, but you specify the number of units each picture represents



Related Functions

FONT.PROPERTIES   Applies a font to the selection

FORMAT.TEXT   Formats a text box or a chart text item

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