Returns the vertical or horizontal position of a point on a chart item. Use these position numbers with FORMAT.MOVE and FORMAT.SIZE to change the position and size of chart items. Position is measured in points; a point is 1/72nd of an inch.
GET.CHART.ITEM(x_y_index, point_index, item_text)
X_y_index is a number specifying which of the coordinates you want returned.
X_y_index | Coordinate returned |
1 | Horizontal coordinate |
2 | Vertical coordinate |
Point_index is a number specifying the point on the chart item. These indexes are described below. If point_index is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.
If the specified item is a point, point_index must be 1.
If the specified item is any line other than a data line, use the following values for point_index.
Point_index | Chart item position |
1 | Lower or left |
2 | Upper or right |
If the selected item is a legend, plot area, chart area, or an area in an area chart, use the following values for point_index.
Point_index | Chart item position |
1 | Upper left |
2 | Upper middle |
3 | Upper right |
4 | Right middle |
5 | Lower right |
6 | Lower middle |
7 | Lower left |
8 | Left middle |
If the selected item is an arrow in Microsoft Excel 4.0, use the following values for point_index. In Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or later, arrows are named lines, and the arrowhead position returned is equivalent to the end of a line where the arrowhead begins.
Point_index | Chart item position |
1 | Arrow shaft |
2 | Arrowhead |
If the selected item is a pie slice, use the following values for point_index.
Point_index | Chart item position |
1 | Outermost counterclockwise point |
2 | Outer center point |
3 | Outermost clockwise point |
4 | Midpoint of the most clockwise radius |
5 | Center point |
6 | Midpoint of the most counterclockwise radius |
Item_text is a selection code that specifies which item of a chart to select. See the chart form of SELECT for the item_text codes to use for each item of a chart.
If item_text is omitted, it is assumed to be the currently selected item.
If item_text is omitted and no item is selected, GET.CHART.ITEM returns the #VALUE! error value.
If the specified item does not exist, or if a chart is not active when the function is carried out, the #VALUE! error value is returned.
The following macro formulas return the horizontal and vertical locations, respectively, of the top of the main-chart value axis:
GET.CHART.ITEM(1, 2, "Axis 1")
GET.CHART.ITEM(2, 2, "Axis 1")
You could then use FORMAT.MOVE to move a floating text item to the position returned by these two formulas.
Related Functions
GET.DOCUMENT Returns information about a workbook
GET.FORMULA Returns the contents of a cell
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