RELREF macro

Returns the reference of a cell or cells relative to the upper-left cell of rel_to_ref. The reference is given as an R1C1-style relative reference in the form of text, such as "R[1]C[1]".


RELREF(reference, rel_to_ref)

Reference    is the cell or cells to which you want to create a relative reference.

Rel_to_ref    is the cell from which you want to create the relative reference.

Tip   If you know the absolute reference of a cell that you want to include in a formula, but your formula requires a relative reference, use RELREF to generate the relative reference. This is especially useful with the FORMULA function, since its formula_text argument requires R1C1-style references, and RELREF returns relative R1C1-style references. You can also use the FORMULA.CONVERT function to convert absolute references to relative references.


RELREF($A$1, $C$3) equals "R[-2]C[-2]"

RELREF($A$1:$E$5, $C$3:$G$7) equals "R[-2]C[-2]:R[2]C[2]"

RELREF($A$1:$E$5, $C$3) equals "R[-2]C[-2]:R[2]C[2]"

Related Functions

ABSREF   Returns the absolute reference of a range of cells to another range

DEREF   Returns the value of the cells in the reference

FORMULA   Enters values into a cell or range or onto a chart

FORMULA.CONVERT   Changes the reference style and type

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