Displays the standard Microsoft Excel File Save As dialog box and gets a file name from the user. This function returns the path and file name of the file that has been saved. Use SAVE.AS to automatically save a file with a particular format and other properties.


SAVE.DIALOG(init_filename, title, button_text, file_filter, filter_index)

Init_filename   Specifies the suggested filename for saving. If omitted, the active workbook's name is used, as returned by the GET.DOCUMENT(1) function.

Title    Specifies the default window title on Microsoft Excel for Windows. For Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, title specifies the prompt string. If omitted, "File Save As" will be used for Microsoft Excel for Windows, and "Save As:" For Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh.

Button_text    is the text used for the save button in the dialog. If omitted, "Save" will be used as the default. This argument is ignored on the Microsoft Excel for Windows.

File_filter    is the file filtering criteria to use, as text. For Microsoft Excel for Windows, file_filter consists of two parts, a descriptive phrase denoting the file type followed by a comma and then the MS-DOS wildcard file filter specification, as in "Text Files (*.TXT), *.TXT, Add-in Files (*.XLA), *.XLA". Groups of filter specifications are also separated by commas. Each separate pair is listed in the file type drop-down list box. File_filter can include an asterisk (*) to represent any sequence of characters and a question mark (?) to represent any single character. For Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, file_filter consists of file type codes separated by commas, as in "TEXT,XLA,XLS4". Spaces are significant and should not be inserted before or after the comma separators unless they are part of the file type code.

Filter_index    specifies the index number of the default file filtering criteria from 1 to the number of filters specified in file_filter. If omitted or greater than the number of filters present, 1 will be used as the starting index number. The argument is ignored on Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh.



SAVE.DIALOG("TRAVEL.XLS","How do you want to save this file?",,
"Text Files (*.TXT), *.TXT, Add-in Files (*.XLA), *.XLA, ALL FILES (*.*), *.*") opens a File Save As dialog box titled "How do you want to save this file?", with "TRAVEL.XLS" as the suggested file name, and with three file filter criteria in the drop-down list box.

Related Function

OPEN.DIALOG   Displays the standard Microsoft Excel File Open dialog box with the specified file filters

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