Equivalent to clicking the Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents buttons on the Auditing toolbar on a worksheet. Allows tracer arrow to be graphically displayed showing relationship among cells.


TRACER.DISPLAY(direction, create)

Direction    is logical value which, if TRUE, displays tracer arrows for precedents. If FALSE tracer arrows for dependents are displayed.

Create    is a logical value which, if TRUE displays the next level of tracer arrows in the direction specified by direction. If FALSE, removes the current level of tracer arrows in the direction specified by direction. A level is the number of "arrows" away from the source cell.


Returns the #VALUE! error value if not available; for example, the selection is something other than a worksheet, or the cell(s) cannot be traced.

Related Function

TRACER.CLEAR   Clears all tracer arrows on the worksheet

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