Builds a new query using the supplied information. The application Microsoft Query nor any dialog boxes are displayed.


QUERY.GET.DATA(connection_string, query_text, keep_query_def, field_names, row_numbers, destination)

QUERY.GET.DATA?(connection_string, query_text, keep_query_def, field_names, row_numbers, destination)

Connection_string    supplies information, such as the data source name, user ID, and passwords, necessary to making a SQL connection to an external data source. For example: "DSN=Myserver; Server=server1; UID=dbayer; PWD=buyer1; Database=nwind".



Query_text    is the SQL language query to be executed on the data source.

Keep_query_def    is a logical value that, if TRUE or omitted, preserves the query definition. If FALSE, the query definition is lost and the data from the query no longer constitutes a data range.

Field_names    is a logical value that, if TRUE or omitted, places field names from Microsoft Query into the first row of the data range. If FALSE, the field names are discarded.

Row_numbers    is a logical value that, if TRUE, places row numbers from Microsoft Query into the first column in the data range. If FALSE or omitted, the row numbers are discarded.

Destination    is the location as a cell reference where you want the data placed. If destination is in a current data range then that data range is changed to reflect the new SQL statement. The default destination is the currently selected cell or range.


Related Function

QUERY.REFRESH   Refreshes the data in a data range returned by Microsoft Query

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