GET.NOTE macro

Returns characters from a comment.


GET.NOTE(cell_ref, start_char, num_chars)

Cell_ref    is the cell to which the note is attached. If cell_ref is omitted, the comment attached to the active cell is returned.

Start_char    is the number of the first character in the comment to return. If start_char is omitted, it is assumed to be 1, the first character in the comment.

Num_chars    is the number of characters to return. Num_chars must be less than or equal to 255. If num_chars is omitted, it is assumed to be the length of the comment attached to cell_ref.


The following macro formula returns the first 200 characters in the comment attached to cell A3 on the active sheet:

GET.NOTE(!$A$3, 1, 200)

In Microsoft Excel for Windows, the following macro formula returns the 10th through the 39th characters of the comment attached to cell C2 on SALES.XLS:

GET.NOTE("[SALES.XLS]Sheet1!R2C3", 10, 30)

In Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh, the following macro formula returns the 10th through the 39th characters of the comment attached to cell C2 on SALES:

GET.NOTE("[SALES]Sheet1!R2C3", 10, 30)

Use GET.NOTE with the NOTE function to move the contents of a comment to a cell or text box or to another comment attached to a cell:


Related Functions

GET.CELL   Returns information about the specified cell

NOTE   Creates or changes a comment.

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