ANOVA3 macro

Performs two-factor analysis of variance without replication.

If this function is not available, you must install the Analysis ToolPak add-in.


ANOVA3(inprng, outrng, labels, alpha)

ANOVA3?(inprng, outrng, labels, alpha)

Inprng    is the input range.

Outrng    is the first cell (the upper-left cell) in the output table or the name, as text, of a new sheet to contain the output table. If FALSE, blank, or omitted, places the output table in a new workbook.

Labels    is a logical value.


Alpha    is the significance level at which to evaluate critical values for the F statistic. If omitted, alpha is 0.05.

Related Functions

ANOVA1   Performs single-factor analysis of variance

ANOVA2   Performs two-factor analysis of variance with replication

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