Equivalent to clicking the Links command on the Edit menu. Use OPEN.LINKS with the LINKS function to open workbooks linked to a particular sheet.
OPEN.LINKS(document_text1, document_text2, ..., read_only, type_of_link)
OPEN.LINKS?(document_text1, document_text2, ..., read_only, type_of_link)
Document_text1, document_text2, are 1 to 12 arguments that are the names of supporting documents in the form of text, or arrays or references that contain text.
Read_only is a logical value corresponding to the read/write status of the linked worksheet. If read_only is TRUE, the sheet can be modified but changes cannot be saved; if FALSE or omitted, changes to the sheet can be saved. Read_only applies only to Microsoft Excel, WKS, and SYLK documents.
Type_of_link is a number from 1 to 6 that specifies what type of link you want to get information about.
Type_of_link | Link document type |
1 | Microsoft Excel link |
2 | DDE link |
3 | Reserved |
4 | Not applicable |
5 | Subscriber |
6 | Publisher |
You can generate an array of the names of linked workbooks with the LINKS function.
Related Functions
CHANGE.LINK Changes supporting workbook links
GET.LINK.INFO Returns information about a link
LINKS Returns the name of all linked workbooks
UPDATE.LINK Updates a link to another document
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