Returns information about an item in a PivotTable report.


GET.PIVOT.ITEM(type_num, pivot_item_name, pivot_field_name, pivot_table_name)

Type_num    is a value from 1 to 9 the represents the type of information you want about an item in a PivotTable report.

Type_num Information
1 Returns the position of the item in its field. Returns #N/A if pivot_field_name is a data field. Returns #N/A! if the item is hidden.
2 Returns the reference to all the cells in the PivotTable header currently containing pivot_item_name. This reference is returned as text. If pivot_item_name is currently not showing in the PivotTable report, #N/A! is returned.
3 Returns the reference to all the data in the PivotTable report which is qualified by pivot_item_name. This reference is returned as text. If pivot_item_name is currently not showing in the PivotTable report, #N/A! is returned.
4 Returns an array of text constants representing the children of pivot_item_name if pivot_item_name is a parent. Otherwise the function returns #N/A!.
5 Returns a text constant representing the parent of pivot_item_name, if pivot_item_name exists as part of a group. Otherwise the function returns #N/A!.
6 Returns TRUE if pivot_item_name is a member of a group which is currently expanded to show detail. Returns FALSE if pivot_item_name is a member of a group currently collapsed to hide detail. If pivot_item_name is not a member of a group, the function returns #N/A!.
7 Returns TRUE if pivot_item_name is expanded to show detail. Returns FALSE if pivot_item_name is collapsed to hide detail.
8 Returns TRUE if the item pivot_item_name is currently visible, FALSE if it is hidden.
9 Returns the name of the item as it appeared in the original at a source. This will differ from the current item name only if the user changes the name of the item after creating the PivotTable report.

Pivot_item_name    is the name of the item that you want information about. If there is no item named pivot_item_name in the PivotTable report, returns #VALUE!.

Pivot_field_name    is the name of the field that you want information about. If there is no field named pivot_field_name in the PivotTable report, returns #VALUE!.

Pivot_table_name    is the name of a PivotTable report containing the field that you want information about. If omitted, uses the PivotTable report containing the active cell. If the active cell is not in a PivotTable report, the #VALUE! error value is returned.

Related Functions

GET.PIVOT.FIELD   Returns information about an item in a PivotTable report.

GET.PIVOT.TABLE   Returns information about a PivotTable report.

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