Displays the dialog box described in a dialog box definition table.



Dialog_ref    is a reference to a dialog box definition table on sheet, or an array containing the definition table.


The dialog box definition table must be at least seven columns wide and two rows high. The definitions of each column in a dialog box definition table are listed in the following table.

Column type Column number
Item number 1
Horizontal position 2
Vertical position 3
Item width 4
Item height 5
Text 6
Initial value or result 7

The first row of dialog_ref defines the position, size, and name of the dialog box. It can also specify the default selected item and the reference for the Help button. The position is specified in columns 2 and 3, the size in columns 4 and 5, and the name in column 6. To specify a default item, place the item's position number in column 7. You can place the reference for the Help button in row 1, column 1 of the table, but the preferred location is column 7 in the row where the Help button is defined. Row 1, column 1 is usually left blank.

The following table lists the numbers for the items you can display in a dialog box.

Dialog-box item Item number
Default OK button 1
Cancel button 2
OK button 3
Default Cancel button 4
Static text 5
Text edit box 6
Integer edit box 7
Number edit box 8
Formula edit box 9
Reference edit box 10
Option button group 11
Option button 12
Check box 13
Group box 14
List box 15
Linked list box 16
Icons 17
Linked file list box (Windows only) 18
Linked drive and directory box (Windows only) 19
Directory text box 20
Drop-down list box 21
Drop-down combination edit/list box 22
Picture button 23
Help button 24



Related Functions

ALERT   Displays a dialog box and a message

INPUT   Displays a dialog box for user input

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